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About Jennifer Hall

Hi, I'm Jen

I'm self taught photographer who is based in Northern British Columbia, more specifically, Kitimat. I draw on shared experiences and natural beauty to create candid pieces of art by capturing important moments and milestones in peoples lives.


Finding a passion for landscape and wildlife photography, I moved back to this beautiful town from the lower mainland after 20 years away. I have  a new found enthusiasm for my craft. The gorgeous mountains, picturesque ocean side and lush forests are truly awe inspiring and I want to capture it all.


My adventure partners, my wonderful husband and adorable golden retriever, and I can often be found exploring the nooks and crannies that this wilderness has to offer. I, of course, almost always have a camera in hand. 




Awards and Publications

Published in "Our Canada" magazine- November 2015
Multiple awards on including image of the month, multiple peer awards and top ten images

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